Small Business Set-Up:
How a CAPM Qualification Can Help
See also:Entrepreneurial Skills
Launching a small business is a challenging and complicated proposition. Particularly for first time entrepreneurs, the task of setting up a company is riddled with unforeseen pitfalls and obstacles.
Small business owners must not only be dedicated to their work and knowledgeable about their industries, they must also be prepared. Rushing into a half-baked business plan is a fast way to lose money.
Only through enhancing your skills, assessing risk, extensive research and conscientious preparation can small business owners succeed.
If you are looking to set up a new business, you should really be looking to expand your project management skills.
Luckily, there are number of PM (Project Management) courses that offer flexibility to learn whilst still setting your business. Online project management courses that give you a CAPM qualification are an invaluable resource for achieving your goals.
This type of course is not only the most recognized and respected certification to have as a project manager but is suitable for any industry so offers variety. In addition, it is a globally recognized qualification which means if you want to project manage your business abroad you can do so.
The Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) qualification ought to be a no-brainer for would-be entrepreneurs. It teaches the skills you need to effectively juggle the many aspects of running a business and seeing projects through from launch to successful completion. Yet for the advantages it provides, the CAPM requires surprisingly little commitment.
A CAPM qualification can be completed in 14 to 18 days of full time study, or over the course of 2 to 4 months part-time.
It's a fast and focused course, well worth the investment, giving entrepreneurs the tools they need to hit the ground running with their new businesses.
Effective Management is Everything
Being a small business owner means being able to effectively manage time, resources, employees, money, inventory, suppliers and clients.
Every aspect of the work can be streamlined through proper organization and methodical execution. The CAPM course teaches management skills that apply to all industries, and benefit business owners by teaching them to think in a way most conducive to getting the job done correctly, in the shortest time possible, and with the fewest resources.
Confidence Matters
For first time business owners, confidence matters tremendously.
Without the proper resources and education to give you a roadmap, entrepreneurship pushes you into uncharted territory. If you do not have a good idea of where your business is going and how it will get there, customers and employees will recognize it, lose confidence in your abilities, and neglect your business.
Company Culture Starts with Leadership
Strategic leadership, like poor management, echoes throughout a company.
It is crucial to set an open and collaborative tone in your business by clearly defining a common vision for your team to follow and then managing daily needs in such a way that both long and short-term goals are kept constantly in sight.
Without confident, thoughtful, and vigilant management, company culture stagnates and the potential for innovation is squandered. So good management isn’t just about getting the work done today, it is also about preparing constantly for tomorrow by increasing your company’s capabilities and capacities.
Further Reading from Skills You Need
The Skills You Need Guide for Students

Develop the skills you need to make the most of your time as a student.
Our eBooks are ideal for students at all stages of education, school, college and university. They are full of easy-to-follow practical information that will help you to learn more effectively and get better grades.
A Community of Resources
While earning your CAPM, you will also benefit from the community that condenses around the course.
You’ll meet other entrepreneurs like yourself, be connected with organizations like the International Association for Project Management, and be exposed to eye-opening professional publications like Project, which is the voice of project management and the power of procurement where you can network with established professionals in your field. You will also have opportunities to attend project management events, lectures and workshops to hone your skills and encounter new strategies for advancing your business.
Becoming a great business owner demands attention to the immediate context and obligations of your company, while also staying committed to long-term growth and envelope-pushing innovation. You must see both near and far to be an effective leader. Therefore, because the CAPM helps you hone your skills and develop your ability to think and problem-solve like a seasoned professional, it is an essential step in your growth as a business leader.
Even without a qualification, you can still drive your business to success; you just have to have the motivation and determination to succeed. But just remember, every little bit of course resource can help that much more.
About the Author
Jeanna is a Digital Executive who works with the Telegraph Courses team.
She is experienced in account management and leading small teams. Having spent many years in recruitment, consulting and marketing Jeanna has strong people management and client-facing skills.