The Best Skills and Strategies
to Impress at Interview
See also: Telephone Interviews
If you’re one of the few professionals who are 100% confident when they have to take an interview, I salute you with much respect.
Now if you’re reading this article, you’re most likely looking to improve your next interview experience. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re frightened when an interview is approaching, but you’re not quite enjoying the thought.
Don’t worry; the marketplace is filled with talented employees who don’t actually acknowledge their value and traits. Therefore, they’re positioning themselves as an inferior part of the equation.
Why are you afraid?
Just a simple question… what is there to be afraid of? Are you scared of losing your opportunity? Maybe you’re afraid of anything that resembles failure? Or you fear the external consequences, such as what people will say or how society will treat you?
Here’s how business works:
Two or more sides or parts are involved in a trading process. Each part needs something (services, products, agreements). Through collaboration, business is born. Your job interview is exactly the same.
Look; let’s take side #1 as the interviewer and side #2 as you, the professional employee who’s looking for a great job.
Without side 1, side 2 wouldn't even be functional. Any larger business will always need a talented workforce in order to keep the productivity and the sales on the rise.
You see, you are as important as the company that’s hiring you. Without people like you, they wouldn’t be even called a company.
Common Interview Questions
Let’s get closer to our subject and address one of the biggest issues that an interviewee might have: questions.
Most people are afraid of being put under pressure through unpredictable lines of enquiry. When you’re sitting in front of two scary interviewers who don’t have all day, there’s a good chance you’ll end up panicking and screwing up everything.
Now let’s take a look at few of the most common interview questions that interviewers like to address. Take notice… these questions are well thought out and could surprise most of the employees.
Why did you choose our company?
If they ask you this question, you should already know the answer. Whenever you’re preparing for an interview, you must pay attention to the company’s strengths and purpose. Once you make a few connections, you’ll understand their method of thinking. When you can put yourself in their shoes, you’d know how to react to such a question.
Do your research, prepare your answer, and answer straight and calmly.
What are your goals?
Your recruiters want to see someone who sees a future in their company. Even if you’re not planning to build your career around this job position, you should definitely give the impression that you would do so.
Again, doing your homework before the interview is essential. Prepare this answer after figuring out a combination between your wishes and their expectations. Try to hit the middle point, and give them a genuine answer. At least as genuine as it could get.
Why should we choose you instead of other candidates?
This is also a very common question that interviewers like to ask. If this question comes up, you need to know what to say before they even ask. This is self-awareness, and it’s an emotional intelligence skill which comes with a lot of training. Before you can do something great with your life, you should understand yourself first.
Find out the answers to this question yourself; right now if you haven’t already. This will serve you well in many ways. It’s for your own good to know what you’re good at – it allows you to focus on whatever is driving you. And it will help you answer this question without any issues.
You'll be aware of your value, and you'll understand that you're as important as they are because you own the skills and talent. They really need your skills in order to fulfill their goals, so it’s a partnership instead of a boss-employee relationship.
Extra tip: Before moving on to the next topic, I’d like to emphasize the importance of knowing how to create a proper cover letter. Most of the interviews come after you have sent a letter of admission.
Further Reading from Skills You Need
The Skills You Need Guide to Jobs and Careers: Getting a Job
Develop the skills you need to get that job.
This eBook is essential reading for potential job-seekers. It covers the entire process from identifying your skills through the mechanics of applying for a job and writing a CV or resume, to attending interviews.
Practical Strategies and Skills That Will Get You Hired

In order to perform better at interviews, you should know a few important things. We have prepared a list of insights that could well form a strategy for your interviews. Try to apply them as much as you can, and you’ll notice how everything turns around in your favor.
Always Remember That They’ve Called You In
Every interview is initiated by their side. They are calling you in; therefore, they need you. Whenever you’re sitting in front of the interviewer, always bear this in mind. Whenever you’re holding a dialogue with an interviewer, or when answering questions, remember the fact that they are just like a business partner. They give you a job with a good salary, and you give them your value.
Never feel intimidated by their position. They are negotiating, looking for the best alternatives to make the best out of the deal…and so should you. You are basically interviewing them too. You must find out whether this job is a compatible match for you and for your lifestyle desires.
Learn How to Counter Your Weaknesses
Let’s say that the interviewer comes and asks you the following question:
“What are your biggest weaknesses?”
When this sort of question arrives, you need to know how to de-emphasize your weaknesses and emphasize your biggest strengths. When some cruel interviewers attack you with all sorts of comments and extra questions around the subject, you’ll need to face them right off.
An example of an explanation would look like this: "While I can sometimes lack a bit of attention due to my ADD condition, I am always compensating and minimizing the damage by hyper-focusing on my job."
By focusing on what you can do for them, you’re basically letting them know that your traits are more valuable compared to your weaknesses. Don’t worry, though, as every one of us has a lot of weaknesses. This type of question is extremely psychological, and it truly tests you. If you fail at it, you’re likely to fail your interview too.
Work On Your Body Language
Let’s start with the handshake tip. Okay; first of all, whenever you meet an interviewer, you will greet them by shaking their hand. This particular first impression counts a lot. In fact, this is not a philosophy or a hardly taught skill. You must look extremely confident, make eye contact, and shake their hand firmly. Don’t squeeze too hard, but not too soft either.
While you’re being interviewed, you should show great body language. This counts for a lot as someone’s opinions and moods are influenced by the body language characteristics of other people they’re interacting with. You should check out some resources online, find out the most important body language tips for interviews, and try to imitate them in front of the mirror first.
By learning to manage your body language, you’ll be able to build rapport between you and the interviewer. When you accomplish that, getting admission will be easier than ever.
Always Be Professional
No matter what they say about flexibility in interviews, you must stay professional. That means that you should keep your personal life stories, your political or philosophical beliefs, or your religious affiliations out of the interview zone. You leave them home, and never mention them.
Second, you need to use professional language. You must also show manners, as this also counts for a lot. Nowadays’ successful businesses are looking for professionals instead of amateurs. A professional employee will never cause unnecessary issues within their stay in the company.
Ask Questions
DO NOT BE AFRAID to ask questions. It’s an interview, you are the interviewed person, I know, but that should never stop you from asking questions. An interviewer should also never be afraid to answer your questions. If they dodge your questions, then it means that this company isn’t going to suit your needs.
By addressing questions to the interviewer, you are also figuring out the company's culture, maybe their habits, or probably their way of doing things. You can then finally judge whether the kind of lifestyle the company offers is actually worth your time.
“Winning” an interview is something truly accomplishable. Understand once and forever that your recruiters are nothing but employees themselves. You’re never inferior, even if you’re talking to the CEO!
Understand your value by acknowledging your skills and talent. The marketplace is filled with rubbish, and they’re looking for you. You’re the one who makes the rules, and you’re the one who’s choosing them. Be courageous and never regret a failed interview; it’s not your fault if you’re always giving your best!

About the Author
Jessica Freeman is a freelance writer interested in traveling and online learning. She enjoys writing on education, technology innovations, and blogging tendencies.