The Ultimate Guide to
Email Marketing for Small Businesses

See also: Writing Marketing Copy

Email marketing is a great way for brands to maintain their connection with their customers or clients. Furthermore, running a proper email marketing campaign will allow a brand to expand, reach out to new people, and increase conversion or engagement rates on their website. Therefore, each email marketing campaign will require a sole purpose, and this purpose will define the way you approach each reader and what you offer to them.

Moreover, when devising an email marketing campaign, you will be putting your planning and organizing skills to the test. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to market your products, services, or content. Today, we will help you by sharing a guide to email marketing for small businesses.

Regardless of their size, email marketing benefits every business. However, smaller businesses might need a head start or a good introduction into the whole world of marketing the right way before devising their campaigns.

Laptop with graphs and tablet with calendar.

A Guide to Email Marketing for Small Businesses

When you are starting a brand, you want to ensure that people hear about it. More importantly, you want to make sure that your brand placement is efficient and that you reach out to both existing and new potential clients. Gathering all of those clients into one group is hard. However, this does not mean that you cannot undertake an email campaign and cater to everyone's needs. Because email marketing revolves around creating a connection between the brand and the user, maintaining that communication and strengthening the bond you have can only help your business succeed. Moreover, this is the place where your communication skills will bring you the most results. You can use email marketing to notify readers about:

  • Upcoming promotions
  • Special deals, offers, or discounts
  • Any changes within the brand or company
  • New content that you put out, etc.

Create Your Email List

To send emails to subscribers you will need to acquire them. The best and easiest way to do so is to allow people that visit your website to log in. That way, the user will provide you with their email address and you will be able to send them emails during your upcoming campaigns.

Creating an email list is the first step to a successful email marketing campaign. After you successfully acquire emails to place on your list, you can start with your marketing campaign. Furthermore, you should make sure you provide an incentive for signing up for your website. Note that, the more appealing you make your brand and website, the easier it will be for visitors to decide to become members. Finally, your email list should make it easier for you to segment your audience into groups.

Segment Your Audience

Not every one of your subscribers will share the same interest in each topic. This is where segmentation comes to play. Namely, segmentation of your audience allows you to separate the subscribers into different groups. Most of the time, the group will depend on the personal characteristics of the subscriber. For instance, you can segment your audience by age, gender, location, purchase history, general interests, etc. Each of these things will allow you to separate the audience into groups with shared interests. Once done, you will be able to target each marketing campaign towards a specific group. So, if you have a sale on baby items, for example, you would, logically, target that offer towards mothers, etc.

Personalize Your Emails

Above we talked about how creating a bond with your subscribers determines how loyal they are to you. Well, if you want to ensure you have loyal customers, you need to personalize your emails. Email personalization is also much easier once you segment your audience. Moreover, personalization usually means adapting the email campaign to make the reader feel closer to the brand and as if you are communicating with them directly. In most cases, brands will include the reader's name in the email or mention a previous purchase and suggest something based on it. This way, the reader will get a sense of commitment and bond with the brand and that will ensure their loyalty towards you in the future.

Never Overdo Email Campaigns

The most common mistake many businesses make is sending too many emails in a short period of time. In fact, sending one to two emails tops, over the course of one week is ideal. In these two emails, you can notify readers about any changes or promote offers, deals, products, or services. Moreover, if you have proper data analytics, you should be aware of how often you should send your emails. However, if you need assistance, you can always choose some of the many all-in-one email marketing tools to help you. The data you gain from these tools will allow you to have a better understanding of how the email marketing campaign affects your brand expansion. As we go through this guide to email marketing for small businesses, we need to ensure that you, as a brand, understand the privacy of your own readers.

Finally, Understand the Importance of Conversion Rates

The conversion rates you have on your website are very important. These are digital metrics that determine how many users are buying your products or services. Furthermore, conversion rates do not have to be tied to transactions, but instead on downloads and signups. Because of these conversion rates, you will want to include a CTA button in your emails. A CTA button, or Call-To-Action button, will allow readers to directly go to the landing page. The landing page is a page that will usually contain a product, service, or information about your brand. Therefore, CTA buttons in your emails can directly impact the conversion rates of your website. Finally, as we conclude our guide to email marketing for small businesses, we want you to understand that conversion rates play a big role in your brand expansion.

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide to Jobs and Careers: Self-Employment and Running Your Own Business

The Skills You Need Guide to Self-Employment and
Running Your Own Business

If you are thinking about running your own business, or already do so, but feel that you need some guidance, then this eBook is for you. It takes you through self-employment in easy steps, helping you to ensure that your business has more chance of success.

This is the guide no new or aspiring entrepreneur can afford to be without!

Based on our popular self-employment and entrepreneurship content.