The Importance of Creative Writing
in Your Professional Career
See also: Business Storytelling
While it may seem that creative writing is something that only liberal arts majors and people in writing careers need, the ability to write well and to communicate effectively is important in many different places within the business world.
Creative writing is a business skill that few people choose to cultivate and that helps boost those who do above their competition.
Many of the best CEOs in the world have extremely advanced creative writing skills that they use on a regular basis and that helps them win over contracts and support on a regular basis.
Advantages of Creative Writing
Many shareholders appreciate when information is given to them in a concise manner. However, they also appreciate when communication from a company that they are investing in takes the time to write them a creative and well-worded newsletter. Having the ability to communicate effectively while exciting investors and keeping them up to date on the inner workings of your company is an important skill for any manager. This can also translate over to thanking individual investors and keeping them up to date with the impact that their financial backing has made within your institution.
Within the company itself, memos, emails and other communication with employees will generally be better received if they are funny, interesting, and relevant to the situation at hand.
Softening bad news or explaining an issue to your employees in a way that they are able to understand will have a much bigger impact than a tersely worded memo that creates confusion and a hostile atmosphere. This can help you be a much more effective manager and show that you are ready to take on higher levels of responsibility while still having the support of your employees and those that you interact with on a day-to-day basis.
Investment Plans will generally go over smoother if they have interesting projections, well thought out predictions, and information that shows everyone involved that they have been under consideration for a long time. Deploying your creative writing skills to expand upon presentations, facts, and quick information, will make it easier to woo over individuals who are not quite on board with your plans.
This also makes it easier for the media and other outlets to tell the public about your plans and can be used to gain viral support from groups that would otherwise ignore your plans or brush them off before they come to fruition.
See also: How to Write a Press Release.
Further Reading from Skills You Need
The Skills You Need Guide to Jobs and Careers: Getting a Job
Develop the skills you need to get that job.
This eBook is essential reading for potential job-seekers. It covers the entire process from identifying your skills through the mechanics of applying for a job and writing a CV or resume, to attending interviews.
Professional Image
Your professional image can also be bolstered or tarnished depending upon your writing and your ability to communicate in a creative way.
This is because people in this business world are perceived as being well educated, and this assumption has colored what the world sees as professionalism. If you come across as unable to effectively communicate and seem like you are lacking in creativity, people are going to view you as less professional and react to you in a less than favorable manner. Being able to introduce yourself, reply to official correspondence, and contribute to documents with a high level of skill will show you to be a true professional and will impress many people.
Personal documentation such as an online profile, notes on contracts, and information for your future use will also come across better when it is well written.
If you are excited about a future opportunity, buy into the idea of writing yourself notes, or want to keep a personal record for your successors, writing in a creative manner will keep it interesting and help explain your needs and desires better. This is also a great way to ensure that you are not bored when you look back at your previous notes, and may help you find information that is important without much difficulty.
Improved Leadership Skills
Leadership skills are also helped when you are able to work on your creative writing and go out of your way to apply this skill.
We already talked about using creative writing for your office memos, but it can also be used to demonstrate your ability to lead.
Depending on your position, your boss may expect detailed reports and will often use them when considering who to promote and who they want to delegate more information to over time.
Writing your reports to be engaging, well thought out, and interesting will increase the chances that they will see you as a good candidate.
Memorability is another reason that you should seek to improve your creative writing skills over time. As everyone in business knows, you are your own personal brand and everything you do should be done with that in mind. To that end, you are always seeking to make yourself memorable (for the right reasons) and to increase your personal brand recognition.
Well written information and plans are one way to ensure that you remain memorable to people when they first come into contact with you in a formal business sense. If you struggle with creative writing, you may find it helpful to use creative writing services.
Now more than ever, written communication is necessary for business and for personal communication. The age of meeting every week is over, and the age of Skype messages, Google collaborations, mass emails, and text messages has taken over. In this world, it is extremely important to get your point across without seeming like you are struggling for words. In addition, people who use these skills find that they remember more in meetings and are more comfortable communicating with people face to face.
Improved Communication
The communication process as a whole is improved when you are better at creative writing and take the time to apply concepts from courses you have taken to your work.
While terse communication can get information across, creative communication invites collaboration and marks you as an individual with a high level of professional commitment.
You may find that you are able to maintain better business relationships when you open yourself to new ways of communicating, and that your older relationships improve over time as well. No matter how big or small your company is, you will find that effective communication is the best way to move up in life.
About the Author
Jonathan Leger is a freelance writer and small business owner. He runs a popular question and answer website.