Develop The Skills You Need For Life
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Welcome. Here at SkillsYouNeed, we're passionate about providing high quality information and resources that help you learn and develop the skills you need to make the most of everyday life.
Whether you're at work, a job seeker, student, teacher or parent, or just interested in developing your key skills, you will find plenty of information here about essential life skills. We hope that this information and these resources will help you to improve your personal and professional life.
We also hope you find your visit rewarding and tell others about us.
Finding the Skills You Need
SkillsYouNeed is split into the eight distinct sections (see below).
Or use our Search to find what you’re looking for:

Personal Skills (211)
Perhaps the most fundamental of all skills are those concerned with self-preservation - that is, staying healthy in both body and mind.
This section of SkillsYouNeed covers some simple ideas that can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. It also provides information to help you learn, such as The Importance of Mindset, and develop your character, for example, Learning to Use your Moral Compass and the basics of Emotional Intelligence.

Interpersonal Skills (151)
A - Z List of Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal skills are the life skills we use every day to communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups.
People who have worked on developing strong interpersonal skills are usually more successful in both their professional and personal lives. From Interpersonal Communication Skills, including Listening, through to Building Rapport and Persuasion, you should find all you need to improve your Interpersonal Skills.

Leadership Skills (107)
A - Z List of Leadership Skills
The ability to lead effectively is based on a number of key skills. These skills are highly sought by employers as they involve dealing with people in such a way as to motivate, enthuse and build respect.
Our Leadership Skills section has both theory, for example, What is a Leader?, Leadership Styles and Ethical Leadership, and more practical information, such as Project Management Skills.

Learning Skills (74)
Learning how to learn effectively is one of the most crucial skills in personal development.
This section provides some theory on learning, including pages on Learning Styles and Lifelong Learning.
Also the skills that you will need for studying, starting with our Study Skillspage, and for helping others to learn, including Coaching and Mentoring Skills.

Presentation Skills (23)
A - Z List of Presentation Skills
Presenting information clearly and effectively is key to getting your message or opinion across and, today, presentation skills are required in almost every field.
This section covers all you need to prepare and give great presentations, from What is a Presentation? to Overcoming Presentation Nerves. It also contains information about handling specialised presentations, such as Press Conferences and Lectures and Seminars.

Writing Skills (50)
Good writing skills allow you to communicate your message with clarity and ease to a far larger audience than through face-to-face or telephone conversations.
This section is designed to provide the information that you need to communicate effectively in writing. It covers both basic writing skills, such as Spelling,Grammar, and Punctuation, and more advanced information such as Writing a Business Case or Preparing a Report.

Numeracy Skills (80)
Numeracy skills are not just for scientists, accountants and the tax man. Many professions require at least a basic level of understanding when it comes to numeracy and mathematics.
This section is designed to help you develop or brush up on your basic and more advanced numeracy, from Addition and Subtraction, through to Fractions, Understanding Percentages, and Money Management and Financial Skills.

Parenting Skills (71)
A - Z List of Parenting Skills
Parenting effectively is often described as one of the biggest challenges in life, as well as one of the most rewarding experiences.
Our Parenting Skills pages are designed to help you through some of the ongoing challenges of everyday life with children both large and small, from Preparing for Parenthood, through Looking After Your Baby, to Entertaining Children and Toddlers and finally to Parenting Teenagers.
Our user contribution blog, Rhubarb, contains articles and discussions written by you - our readers.
Browse our blog and be inspired to contribute something yourself.
Snippets of wisdom from Skills You Need
Charismatic people are both interesting, others want to listen to what they have to say, and interested, they want to listen to what others have to say.
From our page:What is Charisma?
Talking to others about problems is not only therapeutic but can help you see things from a different point of view, opening up more potential solutions.
From our page:Problem Solving Skills
People with higher emotional intelligence find it easier to form and maintain interpersonal relationships and to ‘fit in’ to group situations.
Learn more on our page:Emotional Intelligence
When thinking about your lifetime goals, make them challenging and exciting, base them on your strengths but make them relevant to you and ultimately achievable.
From our page:Self Motivation
What does your BMI tell you about yourself? Use our calculator to find out.From our Personal Skills section.
Learn more about negotiation and become a better negotiator at work and home.From our Interpersonal Skills section.
Find out about the different styles of leadership - what sort of leader are you?From our Leadership Skills section.
Is letter writing a dying art? Find out how to write a letter.From our Writing Skills section.
Need to work out some percentages? Use our calculators and examples to help.From our Numeracy Skills section.
Develop your skills with our interactive quizzes
Learn more about how good your interpersonal skills are and where you can improve. WHAT SORT OF LEADER ARE YOU?
Discover your default leadership style, how to make the most of it and how to develop new leadership traits.
We're a small team of avid lifelong learners who want to help others to learn and develop.
Our aim with Skills You Need is to provide information that will help you, our readers, to develop their skills, and make the most of life.
For more about us, see - Meet the Team
Matthew is CEO and in charge of the day-to-day running of Skills You Need. -
Melissa is our head writer, with an MBA and previous experience in government. -
Jane is experienced in education marketing and manages social media and guest posts. -
Paul is an expert in personal development and a successful author and entrepreneur.
We want to hear from you.
We are continuously developing the site and adding new content. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please let us know. You can get in touch with us via:
Our Mission
Our mission is simple:
"To help you lead a happier more fulfilling life and reach your potential."
Our Content is Free
All of our online content is free and we hope that you find it valuable. We also provide a selection of eBooks in our shop.
We aim to provide quality, accessible help and advice about how you might go about developing key life skills and reaching your full potential.
We appreciate your support and encouragement – thanks for visiting.
Made in the UK
We welcome thousands of visitors from around the world every day.
We are a British website and use British spelling and measurement systems, although we try to use plain English and try to be as inclusive as possible for our international visitors.